So grateful for going to see Kelly when I did!

Going to see Kelly back in 2017 was the best thing that I ever did. I suffered from chronic back pain before this, which was mostly down to poor posture and sitting at a desk all day and doing very little in the way of stretching when I worked out. I went to see Kelly who gave me a clear plan and what treatment/workouts that I needed to do and within weeks I was feeling stronger and pain free. Since then I've been to see BP on a regular basis for an MOT (Jude and Mel are both great) and also see Kelly every few months for a new training plan.

Not only does my back feel much better, I understand why it is my back hurts and what exercises or stretchs I need to do whenever I feel any niggles inbetween treatments.

So grateful for going to see Kelly when I did.


Kelly Marshall